My random musings. Posting may not be frequent. I blog as the spirit leads. I am going to love this blog more than the former one for fear of losing it again.
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Belle Made Me Do This!
Belle! See what you have caused now ehn. I had to do this thing by force. I am back in London and at work!
Can you just imagine working today sob sob: my Holiday starts on Friday till mid January.
Desola: I have sent my number babes let us hook up.
NaijaBloke: the ''worstest insult'' was talking to my friends and not allowing the monkey to paw me!
in 2006...
1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before? Blogging thanks to 3T's of Tunde.
2. Did you keep any New Year's Resolutions? Yeah.(lie)!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yeah! My one and only Shubby gal.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Yeah…so sad. My grandpa, my uncle and Sister Sayo.
5. Did you visit any countries? France and Sweden.
6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? My own house.
7Will any date from 2006 stay etched in your memory forever? August 27 2006.
8. What was your biggest achievement of 2006? Was promoted twice in my work place.I am very efficient now...
9. What was your biggest failure? Not finishing the bible in one year. (beat me)
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? A few cases of headache due to the tears when Ex and I broke up.
11. What was the best thing you bought in '06? A bag. (i am vain)
12. Did your behavior change over the year? I have developed a nasty temper and now so impatient.
13. Where did you spend most of your money? Shoes and shirts.
14. Are you happier than this time last year? Don’t know.
Thinner or fatter? fatter
Richer or poorer? Richer but I am still looking for more money
15. What song will remind you of 2006? Merciful God By K.S.A and Torn By LeToya Buckett
16. What do you wish you would have done more of? Go out with friends.
17. What do you wish you would have done less of? nothing to be honest.
18. What did you do for Christmas '06? Slept and chatted with my family in Nigeria for hours.
19. Did you fall in love in 2006? I fell in and out of love.
20. Did you get your heart broken in 2006? Yes
21. Favorite TV program of '06? X factor was the only programme i watched in 2006.
22. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Nope. I am disliking 2 of my friends now for being greedy and stupid.
23. What was the best book you read and/or movie you saw? I read too many good books, I have a weakness for books. I am not a movie person unless yoruba films.
24. What was your greatest discovery? Blogger.
25. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? Had a mini bash with my family and a few friends. I turned 28.
26. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? If I got married.
27. What kept you sane? Baba God.
28. How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2006? Trendy.
29. Who was the best new person you met? Funmi. We went to Sweden together. She was my anchor when i was heartbroken. I know I love her so much now.
30. Who did you wish you did not meet? BOBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
31. Who was your best friend? Oluwaseyi. He is a monkey tho.
32. Who was your enemy? Myself. I was drinking coca cola everyday till i stopped in August.
33. Who do you miss? My Ex Boyfriend.
34. Who will you never forget? My brother, Abiodun.
35. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006: Trust your instincts!! It can never fail you.
36. What will you always remember about 2006? The loss of my relationship and knowing that my days are numbered in my working place. Sob Sob.
aspirations for 2007...
37. What do you want to do in '07 that you couldn't/didn't in '06? buy a house and get married.
38. Any resolutions? To be more patient with stupid and dumb people that may come my way.
39. Do you want to make more friends in 2007? Yeah, intelligent ones only!
40. Anything you want to change about yourself for 2007? Do a lot of exercise to tone my big bum.
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Why can't some people just learn? Na jejely i was lounging in my friend's living room watching movies when i got an SMS from Bobby(the guy that left me at the party). Xmas wishes:well in the spirit of the season there is no harm in replying. I did that and then it suddenly occurred to me to call the monkey and ask him the reason for his acts the other day.
The first thing the monkey said was if he could come over to my house to have some Xmas turkey because he only cooked cow leg. I reverently told him that cow leg is what is type should have on Christmas day. Imagine the monkey even thinking of showing his face in front of my door. Does he think at all? And trust yours truly to finish him. May Almighty God forgive me for ruining someone Else's Christmas but I couldn't help it. He should have just left me in peace.
Not that I really abused him, I just told him that REAL MEN don't do what he did. He was trying to defend his acts though, he said that what I did to him at the party was the ''worstest insult'' of his life. Now, i have no option but to ask Prof Wole Soyinka to add that word to his dictionary that is coming out soon. In what way was the monkey insulted sef, shey because I did not allow him to paste his fat lips on mine in the name of a kiss? Or because I did not allow him to ogle at my body at the parry?
If I tell you all the things I told him yesterday, many of you my friends out there will stop reading this blog. He just brought out a part of me that I didn't even know existed. To be honest, I felt really terrible afterwards and I thought of sending him a text to say sorry.(you can see that I am a good gal abi). I only thought about it I did not send it. He deserves my outburst I suppose.
To better things jare, I am having fun touring the city of Birmingham. I have added about 10kg no thanks to all the delicacies in the house. I have to jump on the first train out of this city tomorrow cos I never pack my luggage for Nigeria.
I promise to bring you all kilishi and robo.
The first thing the monkey said was if he could come over to my house to have some Xmas turkey because he only cooked cow leg. I reverently told him that cow leg is what is type should have on Christmas day. Imagine the monkey even thinking of showing his face in front of my door. Does he think at all? And trust yours truly to finish him. May Almighty God forgive me for ruining someone Else's Christmas but I couldn't help it. He should have just left me in peace.
Not that I really abused him, I just told him that REAL MEN don't do what he did. He was trying to defend his acts though, he said that what I did to him at the party was the ''worstest insult'' of his life. Now, i have no option but to ask Prof Wole Soyinka to add that word to his dictionary that is coming out soon. In what way was the monkey insulted sef, shey because I did not allow him to paste his fat lips on mine in the name of a kiss? Or because I did not allow him to ogle at my body at the parry?
If I tell you all the things I told him yesterday, many of you my friends out there will stop reading this blog. He just brought out a part of me that I didn't even know existed. To be honest, I felt really terrible afterwards and I thought of sending him a text to say sorry.(you can see that I am a good gal abi). I only thought about it I did not send it. He deserves my outburst I suppose.
To better things jare, I am having fun touring the city of Birmingham. I have added about 10kg no thanks to all the delicacies in the house. I have to jump on the first train out of this city tomorrow cos I never pack my luggage for Nigeria.
I promise to bring you all kilishi and robo.
Sunday, 24 December 2006
What can I say, I have been globe trotting. I mean UK trotting. I left for Reading on Friday morning to spend the weekend with the sister-in-law i never had. I had so much fun anyways, shopping and laughing my heart out. I left this morning for London to attend a friend's wedding. You will wonder why there is a wedding on Sunday abi? Me sef think am o but the wedding was really nice. Left with my friend that got married in August to Birmingham. Spending Xmas with her by force. I can not die of boredom in London!
I am counting days before my trip to Nigeria after Xmas. Spending xmas without my family is one thing, entering the new year without them no go good at all o.
My prayer for us all is:May the joy of new beginnings be ours as Christ is born.May every good thing be delivered to us and may we enter the new year with a new song.
For those of us looking for that spare rib, I pray that God will answer us in Jesus name.
For those of us looking to change jobs, I see us going places.
For those of us looking for intervention with our families and finances. He will move mountains.
2007 will bring us hope and unending joy.
I love you all my blog friends in my own little way.
Wednesday, 20 December 2006
Random Talk II
This is as random as you can imagine, i am at work but i am feeling so sleepy. Slept well last night tho in fact I slept off almost immediately i put my pretty head on my fluffy pillow, i think i am in the holiday mood already. I am going to be visiting Ex's sister on Friday in Reading and off to Birmingham on Sunday to spend Christmas with my girl and her husband.I have never liked travelling though I love to know places, but the mere thought of spending Xmas all by myself is depressing. To imagine that my OWN sister is leaving me to follow man(her boyfriend) but does it matter, isn't blood meant to be thicker than .....whatever??? I am mad at her may be i am jealous sha.
I am counting days before my trip to Nigeria and God knows i am not particularly looking forward to dad and mum's wahala. Have planned to spend some days with my cousin that is coming in from the states. She has be summoned home in regards to her single status, we may as well give ourselves some encouragement before we meet the family.
I did not plan to blog today but Soul's comment on my last post actually got me thinking. Here is what she said:
1)What if eh loves but doesn't fear God.
3) What if he is 5'8 or 6'3"
4) What if he doesn't have a good paying job, but finishes at 3pm on week days, and would love to get home, cook for you and pick up the kids until you get home.
5)What if he eats 4 times a day but cooks for the entire house.
6)What if he doesn't like watching them, but buys them for you, because he knows you like watching them?
7)What if he complains about because he is so into you that he wants your undivided attention and values everything you have to say. What if he likes eye contact with you during conversations.
8)What if he does complain because he wants to build a family with you and thinks that your family unit needs to re-prioritise what is important. what if he realises that those irrelevant things just fill up your apartment (you know London apartments are tiny) and he would rather you guys save up the money and spend it doing things together?
9) What if he doesn't adore your family but he tolerates them because he loves you. What if wants cats as well.. and what if instead of rabbits he wants loads of hamsters (I was going to say rats, but I think that's pushing it a bit)
10) What if he is man enough to marry you, but your definition of 'man enough' excludes him. (smile)
I think giving you an ultimatum on May 2007 is kinda harsh, but I also know that in Naija, sometimes people prefer that you marry and have problems within a marriage which they 'think' can be worked on, as opposed to being single. I think that's hilarious but hey ho. What do I know?
Soul you are so on point with number 1, the rest i beg to disagree. Here is my response to SOUL:
This one is soulful o. You are on point but i don't want a man that likes food. It irritates me. I don;t mean that he shouldn't eat but eating like a buffon is annoying to me. Point 3 is really good cos i know money isn't everything but remember that my mouth don tear how i go manage without buying anything new in a month. I am vain i know. He doesn't have to adore my family but he must like them for what they are to me. SOUL:mind your self o. U have got me thinking..........
Why can we just get what we want sometimes.... why????
An uncle to a close friend decided to marry another wife and when he was asked the motive behind is decision: he said his wife doesn't fight for him. Chineke that one pass me, doesn't fight for you how he was asked. He said most women will fight with their husbands/boyfriend he cheats on them but his own wife just shrugs and moves on with her life.
I don't see anything wrong with that,maybe the woman is trying to avoid fighting with her husband.
Moral of the story is that you women out there should don your boxing gloves and fight for what is yours. If you get beaten in the process,just take it in stride and believe that it is for LOVE!
I may not blog till after Xmas but i have to wish you all a MERRY BERRY XMAS!!
I leave you all under the banner of HIS love this season.
I am counting days before my trip to Nigeria and God knows i am not particularly looking forward to dad and mum's wahala. Have planned to spend some days with my cousin that is coming in from the states. She has be summoned home in regards to her single status, we may as well give ourselves some encouragement before we meet the family.
I did not plan to blog today but Soul's comment on my last post actually got me thinking. Here is what she said:
1)What if eh loves but doesn't fear God.
3) What if he is 5'8 or 6'3"
4) What if he doesn't have a good paying job, but finishes at 3pm on week days, and would love to get home, cook for you and pick up the kids until you get home.
5)What if he eats 4 times a day but cooks for the entire house.
6)What if he doesn't like watching them, but buys them for you, because he knows you like watching them?
7)What if he complains about because he is so into you that he wants your undivided attention and values everything you have to say. What if he likes eye contact with you during conversations.
8)What if he does complain because he wants to build a family with you and thinks that your family unit needs to re-prioritise what is important. what if he realises that those irrelevant things just fill up your apartment (you know London apartments are tiny) and he would rather you guys save up the money and spend it doing things together?
9) What if he doesn't adore your family but he tolerates them because he loves you. What if wants cats as well.. and what if instead of rabbits he wants loads of hamsters (I was going to say rats, but I think that's pushing it a bit)
10) What if he is man enough to marry you, but your definition of 'man enough' excludes him. (smile)
I think giving you an ultimatum on May 2007 is kinda harsh, but I also know that in Naija, sometimes people prefer that you marry and have problems within a marriage which they 'think' can be worked on, as opposed to being single. I think that's hilarious but hey ho. What do I know?
Soul you are so on point with number 1, the rest i beg to disagree. Here is my response to SOUL:
This one is soulful o. You are on point but i don't want a man that likes food. It irritates me. I don;t mean that he shouldn't eat but eating like a buffon is annoying to me. Point 3 is really good cos i know money isn't everything but remember that my mouth don tear how i go manage without buying anything new in a month. I am vain i know. He doesn't have to adore my family but he must like them for what they are to me. SOUL:mind your self o. U have got me thinking..........
Why can we just get what we want sometimes.... why????
An uncle to a close friend decided to marry another wife and when he was asked the motive behind is decision: he said his wife doesn't fight for him. Chineke that one pass me, doesn't fight for you how he was asked. He said most women will fight with their husbands/boyfriend he cheats on them but his own wife just shrugs and moves on with her life.
I don't see anything wrong with that,maybe the woman is trying to avoid fighting with her husband.
Moral of the story is that you women out there should don your boxing gloves and fight for what is yours. If you get beaten in the process,just take it in stride and believe that it is for LOVE!
I may not blog till after Xmas but i have to wish you all a MERRY BERRY XMAS!!
I leave you all under the banner of HIS love this season.
Monday, 18 December 2006
Temmy is up for SALE!
A big thank you to everyone that prayed for my brother to continue to rest in peace. It was just an emotional Friday for me. Just tears and tears!
Saturday, i thought it berra not to stay at home and mope cos everywhere i turned to in my house, it was as if i was seeing my brother's face. Then i called Mama Temmy to let her know that i may be losing it o, luckily for me Baba Temmy sef dey house and both of them talked and pray with me for some time. Am i not just lucky to have them??
They should have just left me feeling that lovey dovey for them jejely but trust the duo the issue of Temmy getting married came up and wahala started. I was meant to spend Christmas in Spain but my mummy vehemently refused.
She said and I quote '' Temitayo, stop running. Ki lo n le e so fun mi iwo omo yi''. Do you think you are still a child? Bukky is having her 2nd baby in a few months, Deola's wedding is next week.....................................
Mummy i am not running i nearly shouted at her on Saturday. Her husband did not help matters when he said: I am giving you till May 2007 to make up your mind. To all the eligible and reasonable bachelors out there Temmy is for sale!
I am going to spend the new year listening to their rantings, God help me.
Random Talk:
I am just tired of all the uncertainty in this world. A family friend to a close friend(long one) got married in August 2006 and in fact it is one of the most sought after wedding webbies of 2006. Both husband and wife gushing with undying love, only for my friend to call me crying that the guy has been beating his new wife of 3 months. Serious blue-black kinda bashing, when no be say the man na Mike Tyson. I am not so happy blogging about this but it is really sad..
Another friend of mine that went to same Uni called me just before I decided to type this post that he has been cheating on his wife of 5 months and he doesn't know how to stop. First, i wanted to kill him for telling me. Do i look like a Pastor that can pray for him to stop, he said he couldn't tell awon boys for fear of them encouraging him to go on. He knew i was going to tongue lash him... did i do that??? I finished him. Prayed with him afterwards. And guess what he has been cheating with the babe he dated before he married his wife. Do we then believe that love/lust never dies???
I am falling in love with purple: got a pair of purple sandals on Saturday. My Xmas pressie to myself! What can a single gal do.
For the men willing to buy me:
10 things I want in a man:
1. Fear of God.
2. Intelligence.
3. Height should be between 5'9 and 6'2.
4. A good paying job.
5. Must not like eating the way men eat. 2x a day will be ace.
6. Must love watching Naija home videos.
7. He must not complain when i read M&B when he is talking about something serious. I can multi task.
8. He must not complain about my way of spending money on irrelevant things.
9. He must adore my family + the pets, 3 dogs and enough rabbits!
10.Man enough to marry ME.
Saturday, i thought it berra not to stay at home and mope cos everywhere i turned to in my house, it was as if i was seeing my brother's face. Then i called Mama Temmy to let her know that i may be losing it o, luckily for me Baba Temmy sef dey house and both of them talked and pray with me for some time. Am i not just lucky to have them??
They should have just left me feeling that lovey dovey for them jejely but trust the duo the issue of Temmy getting married came up and wahala started. I was meant to spend Christmas in Spain but my mummy vehemently refused.
She said and I quote '' Temitayo, stop running. Ki lo n le e so fun mi iwo omo yi''. Do you think you are still a child? Bukky is having her 2nd baby in a few months, Deola's wedding is next week.....................................
Mummy i am not running i nearly shouted at her on Saturday. Her husband did not help matters when he said: I am giving you till May 2007 to make up your mind. To all the eligible and reasonable bachelors out there Temmy is for sale!
I am going to spend the new year listening to their rantings, God help me.
Random Talk:
I am just tired of all the uncertainty in this world. A family friend to a close friend(long one) got married in August 2006 and in fact it is one of the most sought after wedding webbies of 2006. Both husband and wife gushing with undying love, only for my friend to call me crying that the guy has been beating his new wife of 3 months. Serious blue-black kinda bashing, when no be say the man na Mike Tyson. I am not so happy blogging about this but it is really sad..
Another friend of mine that went to same Uni called me just before I decided to type this post that he has been cheating on his wife of 5 months and he doesn't know how to stop. First, i wanted to kill him for telling me. Do i look like a Pastor that can pray for him to stop, he said he couldn't tell awon boys for fear of them encouraging him to go on. He knew i was going to tongue lash him... did i do that??? I finished him. Prayed with him afterwards. And guess what he has been cheating with the babe he dated before he married his wife. Do we then believe that love/lust never dies???
I am falling in love with purple: got a pair of purple sandals on Saturday. My Xmas pressie to myself! What can a single gal do.
For the men willing to buy me:
10 things I want in a man:
1. Fear of God.
2. Intelligence.
3. Height should be between 5'9 and 6'2.
4. A good paying job.
5. Must not like eating the way men eat. 2x a day will be ace.
6. Must love watching Naija home videos.
7. He must not complain when i read M&B when he is talking about something serious. I can multi task.
8. He must not complain about my way of spending money on irrelevant things.
9. He must adore my family + the pets, 3 dogs and enough rabbits!
10.Man enough to marry ME.
Friday, 15 December 2006
Hello my love,
It is 14 years now that you have been resting with the Lord.
I had the bleakest Christmas ever in 1992.
I did not know I was going to be able to survive without your laughter and your pranks.
I loved you so much.
Dad and mum adored you.
You were the bond between 4 sisters.
Femi never believed any one else will ever be able to make her laugh again.
I can remember that we always used you as a bait to get any thing from daddy.
Remember, the time i wanted to celebrate my 10 years birthday? I told you to tell daddy because i knew he was never going to tell you NO.
Mummy loved you and always called you her little husband. Aunt Tinuke and Aunt Desola will never miss sending you a Xmas gift. I can not count the number of times daddy takes you shopping in a month. He will then ask you what you want for your sisters after you have finished spending the money in his wallet.
We never hated you for it, we loved you and in fact it was so much.
I remember the way you run through the passage from the living room to daddy's room, how i always ask you why you never walk but run........
I remember that you used to dress up as a girl and was always kneeling down to greet people because you are so used o seeing your sisters do that.
I remember that always wanted to sleep in the girls room cos you didn't want to feel any different.
I remember that you used to chase us all over the house when we refuse to play football with you.
I remember what you said when grandma died:thank God she left before me. Grandma said it to daddy some day that you were going to die soon. I still hate her till today bro. I do.
I remember the last function we went for:Uncle Biodun's wedding. Can you remember that you made all of us laugh so much that day that mummy promised to take us out the next day if we behaved.
Three days after you fell ill, we all thought it was the usual crisis and it will go away. You were not improving, the girls started crying,mummy was trying to be strong. daddy was away on a business trip.
Then the night before you went to rest, daddy came back. He told you to be strong so that you can with the family to Abeokuta for the family Xmas party. You nodded and went to sleep that night.
4am: i heard the two of them driving you to the hospital, you were getting worse. The doctors were on strike but they took you to Ikire to see our uncle who is a medical doctor. He couldn't do much, you needed oxygen and better medical attention.
He gave you injections and told dad and mum to take you back home(Ibadan)maybe he knew you were going to leave us. Later in the afternoon, mummy had t rush you to another hospital. Dr Abatan did his best. He placed you on oxygen and drips, i was in the next room, praying and crying. Begging God to spare your life, i promised HIM i will be a good girl if he spared your life. Biodun, I really begged God.
Dr Abatan later said he was going to call another specialist doctor friend of his in U.C.H to help out. Dad and Mum told me to go home to put the mind of the others at rest and that you will be back in the evening. Till tomorrow, i can't remember how i managed to get home from the hospital.
Mummy said when they drove in to the hospital, they met some of the doctors outside having a chit chat. She carried you of the car and ran to them begging them to save your life as you were already gasping for breath. They told her that they are on strike and cannot help!
She said she was running back to the car with you on her shoulder when you breathed your last. She said she held you tightly for more than 10 minutes before she gave you to daddy so he could you for the last time too.
Abiodun, i was not there to hold you. It still hurt me till date. They did not allow your sisters to see your body. We could not tell you that you will forever remain in our hearts. I wanted to tell you that you hurt me badly cos you promised to walk with me down the aisle on my wedding.
Loads of promises honey, you did not keep them. I love you more than anything in this world. I know that you know that we will never stop talking about you.
Did i tell you that it was difficult lying to Makinwa your best friend. We told him that you were with grandpa in the village but months later when he did not see you in school, his mum had to tell him. He came to the house and we had another full day of crying. Makinwa is now a big boy. He is graduated from Uni and he is still a very good friend of the family. He did not betray your friendship. He stayed true.
I have to stop here my darling, i have soaked my desk with tears.
ABIODUN OLUWASEUN OLALEKAN,omo olofa mojo. Sleep well.
Luv you forever,
It is 14 years now that you have been resting with the Lord.
I had the bleakest Christmas ever in 1992.
I did not know I was going to be able to survive without your laughter and your pranks.
I loved you so much.
Dad and mum adored you.
You were the bond between 4 sisters.
Femi never believed any one else will ever be able to make her laugh again.
I can remember that we always used you as a bait to get any thing from daddy.
Remember, the time i wanted to celebrate my 10 years birthday? I told you to tell daddy because i knew he was never going to tell you NO.
Mummy loved you and always called you her little husband. Aunt Tinuke and Aunt Desola will never miss sending you a Xmas gift. I can not count the number of times daddy takes you shopping in a month. He will then ask you what you want for your sisters after you have finished spending the money in his wallet.
We never hated you for it, we loved you and in fact it was so much.
I remember the way you run through the passage from the living room to daddy's room, how i always ask you why you never walk but run........
I remember that you used to dress up as a girl and was always kneeling down to greet people because you are so used o seeing your sisters do that.
I remember that always wanted to sleep in the girls room cos you didn't want to feel any different.
I remember that you used to chase us all over the house when we refuse to play football with you.
I remember what you said when grandma died:thank God she left before me. Grandma said it to daddy some day that you were going to die soon. I still hate her till today bro. I do.
I remember the last function we went for:Uncle Biodun's wedding. Can you remember that you made all of us laugh so much that day that mummy promised to take us out the next day if we behaved.
Three days after you fell ill, we all thought it was the usual crisis and it will go away. You were not improving, the girls started crying,mummy was trying to be strong. daddy was away on a business trip.
Then the night before you went to rest, daddy came back. He told you to be strong so that you can with the family to Abeokuta for the family Xmas party. You nodded and went to sleep that night.
4am: i heard the two of them driving you to the hospital, you were getting worse. The doctors were on strike but they took you to Ikire to see our uncle who is a medical doctor. He couldn't do much, you needed oxygen and better medical attention.
He gave you injections and told dad and mum to take you back home(Ibadan)maybe he knew you were going to leave us. Later in the afternoon, mummy had t rush you to another hospital. Dr Abatan did his best. He placed you on oxygen and drips, i was in the next room, praying and crying. Begging God to spare your life, i promised HIM i will be a good girl if he spared your life. Biodun, I really begged God.
Dr Abatan later said he was going to call another specialist doctor friend of his in U.C.H to help out. Dad and Mum told me to go home to put the mind of the others at rest and that you will be back in the evening. Till tomorrow, i can't remember how i managed to get home from the hospital.
Mummy said when they drove in to the hospital, they met some of the doctors outside having a chit chat. She carried you of the car and ran to them begging them to save your life as you were already gasping for breath. They told her that they are on strike and cannot help!
She said she was running back to the car with you on her shoulder when you breathed your last. She said she held you tightly for more than 10 minutes before she gave you to daddy so he could you for the last time too.
Abiodun, i was not there to hold you. It still hurt me till date. They did not allow your sisters to see your body. We could not tell you that you will forever remain in our hearts. I wanted to tell you that you hurt me badly cos you promised to walk with me down the aisle on my wedding.
Loads of promises honey, you did not keep them. I love you more than anything in this world. I know that you know that we will never stop talking about you.
Did i tell you that it was difficult lying to Makinwa your best friend. We told him that you were with grandpa in the village but months later when he did not see you in school, his mum had to tell him. He came to the house and we had another full day of crying. Makinwa is now a big boy. He is graduated from Uni and he is still a very good friend of the family. He did not betray your friendship. He stayed true.
I have to stop here my darling, i have soaked my desk with tears.
ABIODUN OLUWASEUN OLALEKAN,omo olofa mojo. Sleep well.
Luv you forever,
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
My weekend was one full of drama. I was at home all day on Saturday then I remembered my school was having an alumni Xmas party. I already decided I wasn’t going for 2 reasons 1. I wasn’t ready to drive and 2. I don’t have money to pay for cab (Ijebu blood in me).
While I was at it, my phone rang and it was Bobby the stock broker. He was planning to come take me for dinner. Well, I told him that I have a function to attend and he agreed to take me there. Knowing that I like awoof I didn’t even think twice before I accepted his offer.
Yours truly was ready before time, very unlike me. I was really looking forward to party; most of the people were coming from all over the world. Got there around 9pm and it was a shouting galore for me, some of the guys in my class then were looking so well fed and to crown it all married!
You need to see my face when they were all flaunting their gold wedding bands. Well, 5 years is a long time for a lot to happen. In 5 years all the guys decided to marry! Who said serious men don vamoose from planet earth….. My classmates are a living example o. I was shocked.
To the story of the day: I was busy posing and flashing my white teeth for my friends’ cameras and I completely forgot about Mr Stock broker! Not that he was out of my sight though, he was sitting beside me but I was engrossed in the gbeborun I was doing with my old class mates.
At some point, he tapped me and said I should remove my jacket:
Bobby: remove your jacket.
Temmy (wondering why): any particular reason why I should?
Bobby: because I want to look at you, and I want the other guys to do same.
Temmy: (thinking) this boy is going crazy o. But still didn’t say a word.
Bobby: you have it darling, please flaunt it!!!
I then realised it is either the boy is drunk or he is MAD!
Few minutes later, he said to me in a whisper: I want to kiss you. Uhmnnn… now I was nearing my limit for patience.
Phone rang and it was Ex, so I had to go outside to speak to him. Bobby came to meet me outside while I was still on the phone, had to quickly discharge Ex because well because I don’t even know why I did that sef.
Bobby: I am craving for you.
Temmy: lost for what to say
Bobby: please be mine, all we need is a little sacrifice from both of us. Please.
Well, I said can we leave here and went inside to pick my bag. Said my good byes and got outside only to start looking for the car!!!!
I looked for the car like I was looking for a needle. Bobby disappeared under 3 minutes. For the first 10 minutes I was confused, then I began to laugh, I laughed so hard that my side ached. Bobby left me at the party.
I called his phone, it was already switched off. Good for me!! I called the guys to come see me see trouble. 3 of them offered immediately to drop me at home but I didn’t want to spoil their fun I called a cab and I just went home to sleep. When I start to abuse men, Naija Bloke and Miguel go say I don come again. Was I humiliated???
I don’t think I was. I see him as a brainless and spineless little boy that still needs to grow up. At 32, he just succeeded in making me believe his brain is no better than a boy of 3 years.
Does he deserve hot oil on his empty head or not??
Belle: see my life o.
While I was at it, my phone rang and it was Bobby the stock broker. He was planning to come take me for dinner. Well, I told him that I have a function to attend and he agreed to take me there. Knowing that I like awoof I didn’t even think twice before I accepted his offer.
Yours truly was ready before time, very unlike me. I was really looking forward to party; most of the people were coming from all over the world. Got there around 9pm and it was a shouting galore for me, some of the guys in my class then were looking so well fed and to crown it all married!
You need to see my face when they were all flaunting their gold wedding bands. Well, 5 years is a long time for a lot to happen. In 5 years all the guys decided to marry! Who said serious men don vamoose from planet earth….. My classmates are a living example o. I was shocked.
To the story of the day: I was busy posing and flashing my white teeth for my friends’ cameras and I completely forgot about Mr Stock broker! Not that he was out of my sight though, he was sitting beside me but I was engrossed in the gbeborun I was doing with my old class mates.
At some point, he tapped me and said I should remove my jacket:
Bobby: remove your jacket.
Temmy (wondering why): any particular reason why I should?
Bobby: because I want to look at you, and I want the other guys to do same.
Temmy: (thinking) this boy is going crazy o. But still didn’t say a word.
Bobby: you have it darling, please flaunt it!!!
I then realised it is either the boy is drunk or he is MAD!
Few minutes later, he said to me in a whisper: I want to kiss you. Uhmnnn… now I was nearing my limit for patience.
Phone rang and it was Ex, so I had to go outside to speak to him. Bobby came to meet me outside while I was still on the phone, had to quickly discharge Ex because well because I don’t even know why I did that sef.
Bobby: I am craving for you.
Temmy: lost for what to say
Bobby: please be mine, all we need is a little sacrifice from both of us. Please.
Well, I said can we leave here and went inside to pick my bag. Said my good byes and got outside only to start looking for the car!!!!
I looked for the car like I was looking for a needle. Bobby disappeared under 3 minutes. For the first 10 minutes I was confused, then I began to laugh, I laughed so hard that my side ached. Bobby left me at the party.
I called his phone, it was already switched off. Good for me!! I called the guys to come see me see trouble. 3 of them offered immediately to drop me at home but I didn’t want to spoil their fun I called a cab and I just went home to sleep. When I start to abuse men, Naija Bloke and Miguel go say I don come again. Was I humiliated???
I don’t think I was. I see him as a brainless and spineless little boy that still needs to grow up. At 32, he just succeeded in making me believe his brain is no better than a boy of 3 years.
Does he deserve hot oil on his empty head or not??
Belle: see my life o.
Friday, 8 December 2006
Birthday cake and a long article

I decided to post the picture of the birthday cake!
I am still scared of coming out on blogger.
Smoothvibes i am sorry to have dash your hopes of seeing my black face. LOL.
I still have moderated comments imagine the stress particularly now that my link at home and work are playing games!!!
I thot to share this article with you all.
The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are... but on
how happy others can be because of you !!! "
This is a must read
White women's opinion of black women & a brother's response. Please
take amoment and read this. Pretty Deep! Thumbs up to this black man.
It seems that an article was written to Sister 2 Sister magazine by a
Caucasian woman who requested a response from black men. I'm so glad
she gotwhat she asked for (and more) !!!
Dear Jamie:
I'm sorry but I would like to challenge some of your Black male
I am a White female who is engaged to a Black male good-looking,
educated and loving. I just don't understand a lot of Black females attitudes
about our relationship.
My man decided he wanted me because the pickings amongst Black women
were slim to none. As he said they were either too fat, too loud, too mean,
too argumentative, too needy, too materialistic or carrying too much excess baggage.
Before I became engaged, whenever I went out I was constantly approached by
Black men, willing to wine and dine me and give me the world. If Black women are so up in arms about us being with their men, why don't they look at themselves and make some changes. I am tired of the dirty looks I get and snide remarks when we're out in public. I would like to hear from some Black men about why we are so appealing and coveted by them.
Bryant Gumbel just left his wife of 26 years for one of us . So did Charles
Barkley, Scottie Pippen, the model Tyson Beckford, Montell Williams,
Quincy Jones, James Earl Jones, Harry Belafonte, Sydney Poitier, Kofi Anan,
Cuba Gooding Jr., Don Cornelius, Berry Gordy, Billy Blanks, Larry Fishburne,Wesley Snipes... I could go on and on. But, right now, I'm a little angry and that is why I wrote this so hurriedly. Don't be mad with us White women because so many of your men want us. Get your acts together and learn from us and we may lead you to treat your men better. If I'm wrong, Black men,let me know.
Disgusted White Girl, Somewhere in VA
Dear Jamie:
I would like to respond to the letter written by A Disgusted White Girl.
Let me start by saying that I am a 28-year old black man. I graduated from
one of the most prestigious universities in Atlanta, Georgia with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Management. I have a good job at a major corporation and have recently purchased a house. So, I consider myself to be among the ranks of successful black men.
I will not use my precious time to slander white people. I just want to set the record straight of why black men date white women. Back in the day, one of the biggest reasons why black men dated white women was because they were considered easy.
The black girls in my neighborhood were raised in the church. They were very strict about when they lost their virginity and who they lost it to.
Because of our impatience to wait, brothers would look for someone who would give
it up easy without too much hassle. So, they turned to the white girls.Nowadays, in my opinion, a lot of brothers date white women because they are docile and easy to control. A lot of black men, because of insecurities,fears, and overall weaknesses, have become intimidated by the strength of our black women. We are afraid that our woman will be more successful than us, make more money than us, drive nicer cars and own bigger houses.
Because of this fear, many black men look for a more docile woman. Someone we can control.
I have talked to numerous black men and they continuously comment on
how easy it is to control and walk over their white women. I just want to set the record straight. I want A Disgusted White Girl to know that not all successful black men date white women. Brothers like Ahmad Rashad, Denzel Washington, Michael Jordan, Morris Chestnut, Will Smith, Blair Underwood,Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, Samuel L. Jackson, and Chris Rock all married strong black women and, to flip the script, there are numerous white men,in and out of the spot light, who openly or secretly desire black women over white women. Ted Danson, Robert DeNiro, and David Bowie to name a few.I just don't want a disgusted white girl to be misinformed.
Stop thinking that because you are white that you are some type of goddess.
Remember, when black Egyptian Queens like Hatsepshut and Nitorcris were ruling
Dynasties and armies of men in Egypt, you were over in the caves of Europe
eating raw meat and beating each other over the head with clubs.
Read your history! It was the black woman that taught you how to cook and season your food. It was the black woman that taught you how to raise your children. It was
black women who were breast feeding and raising your babies during slavery.
It is the black woman that had to endure watching their fathers, husbands, and children beaten, killed, and thrown in jail. Black women were born with two strikes against them: being black and being a woman. And,through all this, Still They Rise!
It is because of the black women's strength, elegance, power, love and beauty that I could never date anyone except my black Queen. It is not just the outer beauty that captivates and draws me to them. It is not the fact that they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and shades that I love them.
Their inner beauty is what I find most appealing about black women. Their strong spirit, loving and nurturing souls, their integrity, their ability to overcome great obstacles, their willingness to stand for what they believe in, and their determination to succeed and reach their highest potential while enduring great pain and suffering is why I have fallen in love with black women.
I honestly believe that your anger is geared more toward jealousy and envy more so than snotty looks. If this were not so, then why do you continuously go to tanning salons to darken your skin? If you are so proud to be white,then why don't you just be happy with your pale skin? Why do you continue to inject your lips, hips, and breasts with unnatural and dangerous substances so you can look fuller and more voluptuous?I think that your anger is really a result of you wanting to have what
the black woman has.
BOTTOM LINE: If I were looking for a docile woman, someone I can walk over and control, I would give you a call. But, unfortunately, I am looking for a Virtuous Woman. Someone that can be a good wife and mother to my children.Someone who can be my best friend and understands my struggles. I am looking for a soul mate. I am looking for a sister and; unfortunately, you do not and CANNOT fit the bill.
No offense taken, none given.
Black Royalty
Thursday, 7 December 2006
I invest in …..Accessories because they make any outfit look expensive.
My idea of sexy….. A curvy girl in skirt and high heel sandals.
I treasure ……. My shirts and shoes.
I will never believe I can be a size 10; I am stuck on 6 – 8!
My life is so simple….. I keep my clothes simple: shirts, jeans, 3 skirts, loads of dresses.
I can’t stop wearing my old time necklace I had since I was in Nigeria.
I am very Nigerian when I am stressed; I get all cranky and extremely grouchy!
I love colour blue. All my shirts must have a touch of blue.
I am loving colour purple now: a la purple jumpers and shirts. I am using pure purple by Hugo Boss at the moment.
I love perfumes; j’adore is first on the endless list.
I hate wigs: I will never wear one unless I am promised £50,000.
I hate walking: I’d rather take a bus even if the place is just a stop away.
I hate driving: it gives me back pains (that is because I don’t exercise) if people won’t call me crazy I would have employed a driver here in London.
I am too romantic for my own good, or how else would you explain me still reading mills and boon at 28!
I don’t like heavy make up. Lip gloss and I am good to go.
Right now I am hating T-Mobile: my phone is not charging and they said it will take 14 days to have it repaired. In the meantime I suspect they want me to insert my sim into my palm!
I said I was going to blog about those 3 boys now abi.
Miguel no vex o, I am not trying to diss men, and who am I to try that when they have an advocate in you. Well, so as not to disappoint those waiting for the breakdown here we go:
Wale: He is an Engineer. I met him one evening on my way home from the salon. He is one of the few guys that thinks patience and a little pressure can win any woman’s heart. He has been on this venture for close to 2 years now. God help him. I only pick up his calls when I need a good laugh. In his bid to impress me with his newly learnt grammar …. You can imagine what I go through. He has a good heart though, but not the type that I am looking for.
Bobby: He is a stock broker. The most infuriating man I have ever met. He scared the living daylight out of me the first day I met him. I was at a cash point and I heard a voice behind me say: take enough out for 2.
I thought he was a robber and he is already pointing a gun to my plum backside. Turned around only to find the guy smiling at me. APE!!!
We got talking and he ended up dropping me at my place. Who said a gal can’t do with free rides sometimes. We have never stopped arguing since I met him; the boy thinks he is very smart. Aarghh!!!
Laolu: He is an IT analyst I met him way back in the university. We were not friends but we say hello once in a while. Whatever made him think that we can now be friends and then move on to lovers: that one pass me sha. I hardly pick up his calls because of the kind of questions he asks whenever he calls. Have to blg about his questions some other time.
A mild drama in my house today, I was jejely brushing my teeth this morning when i heard a loud knock on my door. Thinking it was my sister i opened the door, lo it was a strange face asking me if I have seen the guy that lives in the top flat. I don't even know who the guy is is. Na so this woman start story of how she has been trying to call the guy(her boyfi) and he is not picking up. She said she housed the guy for 8 months only for hte guy to now get his own crib and he is now going funny on her. Anyway long story.Will be back with the rest.
My idea of sexy….. A curvy girl in skirt and high heel sandals.
I treasure ……. My shirts and shoes.
I will never believe I can be a size 10; I am stuck on 6 – 8!
My life is so simple….. I keep my clothes simple: shirts, jeans, 3 skirts, loads of dresses.
I can’t stop wearing my old time necklace I had since I was in Nigeria.
I am very Nigerian when I am stressed; I get all cranky and extremely grouchy!
I love colour blue. All my shirts must have a touch of blue.
I am loving colour purple now: a la purple jumpers and shirts. I am using pure purple by Hugo Boss at the moment.
I love perfumes; j’adore is first on the endless list.
I hate wigs: I will never wear one unless I am promised £50,000.
I hate walking: I’d rather take a bus even if the place is just a stop away.
I hate driving: it gives me back pains (that is because I don’t exercise) if people won’t call me crazy I would have employed a driver here in London.
I am too romantic for my own good, or how else would you explain me still reading mills and boon at 28!
I don’t like heavy make up. Lip gloss and I am good to go.
Right now I am hating T-Mobile: my phone is not charging and they said it will take 14 days to have it repaired. In the meantime I suspect they want me to insert my sim into my palm!
I said I was going to blog about those 3 boys now abi.
Miguel no vex o, I am not trying to diss men, and who am I to try that when they have an advocate in you. Well, so as not to disappoint those waiting for the breakdown here we go:
Wale: He is an Engineer. I met him one evening on my way home from the salon. He is one of the few guys that thinks patience and a little pressure can win any woman’s heart. He has been on this venture for close to 2 years now. God help him. I only pick up his calls when I need a good laugh. In his bid to impress me with his newly learnt grammar …. You can imagine what I go through. He has a good heart though, but not the type that I am looking for.
Bobby: He is a stock broker. The most infuriating man I have ever met. He scared the living daylight out of me the first day I met him. I was at a cash point and I heard a voice behind me say: take enough out for 2.
I thought he was a robber and he is already pointing a gun to my plum backside. Turned around only to find the guy smiling at me. APE!!!
We got talking and he ended up dropping me at my place. Who said a gal can’t do with free rides sometimes. We have never stopped arguing since I met him; the boy thinks he is very smart. Aarghh!!!
Laolu: He is an IT analyst I met him way back in the university. We were not friends but we say hello once in a while. Whatever made him think that we can now be friends and then move on to lovers: that one pass me sha. I hardly pick up his calls because of the kind of questions he asks whenever he calls. Have to blg about his questions some other time.
A mild drama in my house today, I was jejely brushing my teeth this morning when i heard a loud knock on my door. Thinking it was my sister i opened the door, lo it was a strange face asking me if I have seen the guy that lives in the top flat. I don't even know who the guy is is. Na so this woman start story of how she has been trying to call the guy(her boyfi) and he is not picking up. She said she housed the guy for 8 months only for hte guy to now get his own crib and he is now going funny on her. Anyway long story.Will be back with the rest.
Monday, 4 December 2006
Where did the year go?
I had a beautiful time on Saturday courtesy my sister and her fiancé. We had lunch in a Chinese restaurant with my very good friend funmi. We later moved to a Nigerian restaurant to have a taste of suya(you know I like meat). I had a few friends from Uni around and it was so much fun reminiscing about our first year in the university.
I had 3 of my ‘’toaster’’ around trying to outdo each other. Chineke! Men can be funny. Let me give you a brief break down of the 3 of them sef.
1. Bobby: he is the most arrogant man I have had the misfortune of meeting. Kai, I have never met anyone so full of himself. He came to join us at the Nigerian restaurant and was dressed to the ‘’teeth’’. Came in dangling his car keys, you would have thought he drives a jaguar.
He wanted to sit beside the birthday girl by all means, it is my day and I decided to humour him. He kept telling me that I am the most ravishing beauty he has ever met. (like I don’t know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made).
Temmy please be my girl, I will take care of you and love you for ever.
2. Wale: I don’t know why I always meet guys called Wale. Wetin sef. This one is such a nice little fellow who doesn’t know the difference between present and past tense. Apart from that he is a jolly good fellow.
3. Laolu: uhmn,,,,,,,,, I rest my case. I only just met him but will be back to blog about him later.
I will upload the pictures by the end of the week. My link is still down and I am just frustrated with the whole thing.
And hey, where did the year go? Suddenly it was November and we are in December......again - and we realize that with giant strides we started in January and within a blink of an eye, 2006 is on its back! A big "Thank You" to each and every one of you, for the huge impact you had on my life this year. Especially for all the support and e-mails I received.......without you, I'm sure that 2006 would have been extremely boring. From my side I wish you all a magical Festive Season filled with Loving Wishes and Beautiful Thoughts. May 2007 mark the beginning of a Tidal Wave of Love, Happiness and Bright Futures. And to those who need someone special, may you find that true love To those who need money, may your finances overflow To those who need caring, may you find a good heart Take care and God bless!
I had 3 of my ‘’toaster’’ around trying to outdo each other. Chineke! Men can be funny. Let me give you a brief break down of the 3 of them sef.
1. Bobby: he is the most arrogant man I have had the misfortune of meeting. Kai, I have never met anyone so full of himself. He came to join us at the Nigerian restaurant and was dressed to the ‘’teeth’’. Came in dangling his car keys, you would have thought he drives a jaguar.
He wanted to sit beside the birthday girl by all means, it is my day and I decided to humour him. He kept telling me that I am the most ravishing beauty he has ever met. (like I don’t know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made).
Temmy please be my girl, I will take care of you and love you for ever.
2. Wale: I don’t know why I always meet guys called Wale. Wetin sef. This one is such a nice little fellow who doesn’t know the difference between present and past tense. Apart from that he is a jolly good fellow.
3. Laolu: uhmn,,,,,,,,, I rest my case. I only just met him but will be back to blog about him later.
I will upload the pictures by the end of the week. My link is still down and I am just frustrated with the whole thing.
And hey, where did the year go? Suddenly it was November and we are in December......again - and we realize that with giant strides we started in January and within a blink of an eye, 2006 is on its back! A big "Thank You" to each and every one of you, for the huge impact you had on my life this year. Especially for all the support and e-mails I received.......without you, I'm sure that 2006 would have been extremely boring. From my side I wish you all a magical Festive Season filled with Loving Wishes and Beautiful Thoughts. May 2007 mark the beginning of a Tidal Wave of Love, Happiness and Bright Futures. And to those who need someone special, may you find that true love To those who need money, may your finances overflow To those who need caring, may you find a good heart Take care and God bless!
Saturday, 2 December 2006
Praise the LORD with me.
It is my birthday today and my phone has not stopped ringing since midnight.
I feel so loved.I have been receiving calls from friends i haven't seen in years.
Erezi: this is for you. Thank you so much, to say i was surprised when i heard your voice is an understatement.
My mum called me at 3am to pray for me. I haven't slept well but I am so happy all the same. To all my blogger friends that stayed till midnight to wish me a happy birthday. Thanks.I love you all.
TP: hook a single gal up with a handsome young man.
Naijabloke:Wetin, shey u no fit come from yankee to wish me a happy birthday ni?
Bijou:Aburo mi owon, thanks for your prayers.
Smoothvibes: when can i meet ya bro????
Funmi: we are on the canoe to Spain; lol
Azuka:thanks dude.
Buki: ose gan ni.
My link isnt back and i am in a cafe. I will be having lunch with my sister and her
boyfriend later today. Sad thing is i cant put the pictures on my blog
as i am meant to be annonymous now abi. Lets see sha.
I AM 28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM OLD....................
It is my birthday today and my phone has not stopped ringing since midnight.
I feel so loved.I have been receiving calls from friends i haven't seen in years.
Erezi: this is for you. Thank you so much, to say i was surprised when i heard your voice is an understatement.
My mum called me at 3am to pray for me. I haven't slept well but I am so happy all the same. To all my blogger friends that stayed till midnight to wish me a happy birthday. Thanks.I love you all.
TP: hook a single gal up with a handsome young man.
Naijabloke:Wetin, shey u no fit come from yankee to wish me a happy birthday ni?
Bijou:Aburo mi owon, thanks for your prayers.
Smoothvibes: when can i meet ya bro????
Funmi: we are on the canoe to Spain; lol
Azuka:thanks dude.
Buki: ose gan ni.
My link isnt back and i am in a cafe. I will be having lunch with my sister and her
boyfriend later today. Sad thing is i cant put the pictures on my blog
as i am meant to be annonymous now abi. Lets see sha.
I AM 28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM OLD....................
Friday, 1 December 2006
Why Now?
Why are all the good men taken every time?
Why is it that the guy i admire on the bus always has a wedding band.
The ones i eye in church are either engaged or about to propose to another woman.
Biko, e don tire me o.
Will be back on Monday to elaborate on this post jare.
Meanwhile here goes the birthday list:
1. An air ticket to Malaga in Spain
2. An air ticket to Nigeria for Xmas.
3. £1000 to buy myself a lovely bag in Harrods.
4. I love shoes:i can never have enough.
5. Organize a date between George Clooney and I.
6. All my blogger friends appearing at my door by 12mmidnight Especially my Bijou!
7. Get me a job that will be paying me £75,000/annum.(i need to move higher)
8. Find me a man!
9. Make him propose.
10.Attend the wedding.
I am out!!!
See what blogging has turned me into, I am in a cafe again. This is crazy, I think I need deliverance.
I am still moderating comments because of the I TOO KNOW people in the blog world.
Why is it that the guy i admire on the bus always has a wedding band.
The ones i eye in church are either engaged or about to propose to another woman.
Biko, e don tire me o.
Will be back on Monday to elaborate on this post jare.
Meanwhile here goes the birthday list:
1. An air ticket to Malaga in Spain
2. An air ticket to Nigeria for Xmas.
3. £1000 to buy myself a lovely bag in Harrods.
4. I love shoes:i can never have enough.
5. Organize a date between George Clooney and I.
6. All my blogger friends appearing at my door by 12mmidnight Especially my Bijou!
7. Get me a job that will be paying me £75,000/annum.(i need to move higher)
8. Find me a man!
9. Make him propose.
10.Attend the wedding.
I am out!!!
See what blogging has turned me into, I am in a cafe again. This is crazy, I think I need deliverance.
I am still moderating comments because of the I TOO KNOW people in the blog world.
A new Month,The Last Line
Only God knows where the year ran to. I cant believe it is the 1st Of December so soon. For all of you that have been supportive one way or the other, you are greatly appreciated.
For the shoulders I have cried on, i hope you get a lot stronger! Lol.
For those that loved me warts and all, things can only get better.
For those that have been my rock and strength, y know yaselves o. God will reward you immensely.
For me for loving me. Thank you Temmy.
For al my blog pals, you have been wonderful and inspiring in your own little ways.
I am unable to blog from home as my Internet access is down. Doing this in a cafe and it is extremely annoying.
Take care all and have a lovely weekend.
For the shoulders I have cried on, i hope you get a lot stronger! Lol.
For those that loved me warts and all, things can only get better.
For those that have been my rock and strength, y know yaselves o. God will reward you immensely.
For me for loving me. Thank you Temmy.
For al my blog pals, you have been wonderful and inspiring in your own little ways.
I am unable to blog from home as my Internet access is down. Doing this in a cafe and it is extremely annoying.
Take care all and have a lovely weekend.
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